Summer Reading List for Teacher Development (Updated)
28 May 2023/ By Zineb DJOUB
Summer is time to rest and rejuvenate to come back to work better than we were before. But, devoting time to reading is also worth considering. Indeed, science has shown that reading does not only improve our memory and empathy. But it also makes us feel better and reduces the chances of developing Alzheimer later in life. Yet, we need to select books that can support us to achieve our development as teachers and further students’ learning. For this purpose, I am suggesting a summer reading list that can support you achieve such development (click on each book’s title to read more about it).
To make your reading more constructive, there is a need to reflect on the process. To this end, here is the Reading Reflection Worksheet which you can use along with your reading.
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Professional Development
The book contains great ideas that can help you manage effectively post-pandemic classrooms. You will find practical tips and strategies on how to take control of your classes with useful illustrations that reflect every teacher’s experience. These are easy to implement and can help you create the positive learning environment you need to enhance students’ learning. If you want to enjoy teaching and make your students motivated and engaged, Rob Plevin’s book: Take Control of the Noisy Class: Chaos to Calm in 15 Seconds (Super-effective classroom management strategies for teachers in today’s toughest classrooms) is worth a read.
In an increasingly changing world, innovating has become a must. As educators, we have to promote student creativity and critical thinking. To develop such an innovator’s mindset, this book clarifies what innovation means. It also provides ways to use our creativity to be more innovative inside the box. If you want to transform your teaching and bring change to inspire curious and critical minds, read George Couros’ s book: The Innovator’s Mindset: Empower Learning, Unleash Talent, and Lead a Culture of Creativity,
Kids Deserve It!: Pushing Boundaries and Challenging Conventional Thinking, is an inspiring book that provides real-life takeaways for educators to create the best learning environment for kids. Reading this book, you will get more energized to push those boundaries and do your best to make your teaching more innovative and engaging because Kids Deserve it.
If you want to go gradeless and provide your students with a unique learning experience where they are encouraged to reflect and take charge of their learning then this is the book for you! Because assessment is an emotional business, it can either enhance or impede students’ learning. So, teachers need to think about shifting from an assessment for grading towards an assessment for learning culture. Hacking Assessment: 10 Ways to Go Gradeless in a Traditional Grades School is a great read because Starr Sackstein shows you how you need to do it.
This is a must-read for administrators, classroom teachers, and people who want to know about the public education system. It is full of humorous and inspiring teaching moments depicted by the author Gerry Brooks, an elementary school principal and popular YouTube personality. You’ll learn about those teaching bad days – when lesson plans fall through, disgruntled parents complain, and kids disturb…also laugh and get some inspiration to enjoy more the profession. To learn more about this book, visit Go See the Principal.
Trevor MacKenzie and Rebecca Bathurst-Hunt provide teachers with guidance on how to create an atmosphere of inquisitive learners. You will understand more what inquiry-based instruction means and learn about different practical ideas to integrate this approach more effectively into your classroom. So, read Inquiry Mindset: Nurturing the Dreams, Wonders, and Curiosities of Our Youngest Learners, and use those ideas to make your youngest learners more critical thinkers.
Personal Development
This summer reading list should include as well books that help you change your life for the better. Developing good habits is the starting point for our personal development. Yet, change cannot happen overnight, it is a process that requires steps, strategies, and time. To help you out develop good habits, here is a best-selling book ‘Atomic Habits: An Easy & Proven Way to Build Good Habits & Break Bad Ones‘ by James Clear. This book focuses on the process of nurturing good habits and killing the bad ones. It provides practical ideas and tips to practise in day-to-day life, besides the supplementary materials to plan and monitor continuous improvement.
An inspiring book that will give you the motivation to live and work with positive attitudes is Allyson’s book: The Path to Serendipity: Discover the Gifts along Life’s Journey. You will not only learn from her personal, relatable stories but also enjoy her humour and admire her honesty in sharing such experiences. This book is a must-read in this hard life.
Social Development
This book suggests 9 hacks to create a culture of empathy and responsibility using restorative justice. You’ll learn how to eliminate punishment, enhance communication with your students, develop their self-regulation and empathy and build more positive relationships. Hacking School Discipline can change the way you perceive and deal with discipline issues in your classroom. So, get this book here.
How to build a strong culture in the classroom that empowers all individuals involved in the education field is the focus of Jimmy Casas’s book: Culturize: Every Student. Every Day. Whatever It Takes. Reading this book will give you inspiration and guidance to create positive relationships with your learners, colleagues, parents, and administrators and think positively about your job. Necessary reading to make you grow to not only survive but also to develop as leader in the profession.
Another interesting book that will empower you to build relationships is: Be REAL: Educate from the Heart by Tara Martin. You will learn how to educate from the heart, and how to connect with your students and all those in your school. This book will help you understand who you are, so it is worth reading.
This was my summer reading list for teachers. What other books would you recommend?
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