5 Habits of Highly Effective Students
21 October 2023/ By Zineb DJOUB
What are the study habits of highly effective students?
Learning is a complex process, an interplay of various elements that contribute to its success. Motivation, self-confidence, commitment, resilience, self-regulation, and a growth mindset are all necessary for any student’s achievement and growth. However, these evolve through repeated actions or habits. In fact, habits are powerful as Aristol said: “We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then is not an act but a habit”.
For instance, the more a student shows resilience in the face of learning difficulties and challenges the better he becomes strategic and confident in achieving his learning goals. So, learning habits are strong predictors of students’ learning outcomes.
Therefore, whether you are a student who strives for growth and excellence, a student-teacher who is pursuing post-graduation studies and values quality learning, or a teacher who is keen to empower his students’ learning, you should learn about the most effective learning habits that can boost productivity and success.
So, here are 5 habits of highly effective students.
1. Active Interaction
Interacting actively in the learning process is one habit of highly effective students, regardless of their grade level or learning context (online, face-to-face, or blended).
That active interaction goes beyond simply addressing or answering questions. It is more about coming prepared to class, actively processing content (in and outside class), sharing what you have learned outside, and initiating ideas and tasks.
You should see every lesson as an opportunity to stimulate your mind to think critically, search, collaborate, share, and create. So, it is not enough to sit there attentively, taking down notes and listening to your teacher. You should interact actively with that content, connecting that learning to your prior knowledge, questioning the why, and reconstructing your own meaning.
Therefore, while writing your lesson or taking down notes, reflect. Avoid any kind of distraction and focus on that learning moment. Question what you are learning (what does it mean? Why is it important? How does it work? When? Etc.).
Then, highlight what requires further explanation or the teacher’s help and what you need to work on and expand through research/ practice.
Your interaction with learning content needs to be extended beyond class time. Use study strategies such as flashcards, mind mapping, and practise quizzes to reinforce learning.
Further, maximizing interaction opportunities with your teacher and peers is key to effective classroom learning. So, never hesitate to raise questions, answer your teacher/peers’ questions, participate in group discussions, share knowledge with others, take responsibility for a challenging task, and seek feedback on how you should improve.
To learn better, take risks.
2. Regular revision
Effective students are good time managers. They schedule their learning tasks using planners, calendars, and to-do lists and track assignments, deadlines, and important dates.
They also care about getting things organized (the physical and digital study space) to avoid chaos and stress. Because quality learning time matters to them, these students tend to revise regularly.
Regular revision is a fundamental aspect of effective students’ organization. It enhances retention and understanding and helps students practise and engage in active learning activities like summarizing note-taking and peer teaching.
Last-minute cramming is stressful and less effective. Regular revision reduces not only stress and anxiety but also improves students’ performance in their assignments and exams.
So, create your study schedule, use tools for organization (like digital calendars, and planners), prioritize revision, and consistently track progress.
3. Ongoing reflection
Effective students reflect continuously on their learning process. They set learning goals, question what and how they learn, reflect on others’ feedback (teachers and peers), and assess their learning progress (identifying existing gaps and the necessary actions to streamline).
Ongoing reflection is critical to your personal development and academic success. It helps you understand your learning styles, strengths, and weaknesses and opt for the right learning strategies for better results.
Besides increasing self-awareness, ongoing reflection on your learning process can boost your motivation, foster your ownership of learning, and make you more self-confident to lead your learning journey.
The more you cultivate this habit, the more you commit yourself to lifelong learning and personal growth.
Ongoing reflection is a powerful learning tool. So, start reflecting on your learning, using learning logs, journals, or portfolios.
4. Self-care
Academic demands, exams, and other responsibilities can increase students’ stress and impact negatively their productivity and learning outcomes.
Therefore, self-care is necessary for every student. Not only does it reduce stress, but it supports students to maintain a balanced lifestyle by allocating time for relaxation, social activities, and personal interests. This, in turn, can improve focus and sustain more efforts to deal with learning challenges.
So, when taking time for self-care, you are improving your mental and physical health, and avoiding burnout.
How can students practise self-care?
First, be sure to prioritize tasks and create schedules for self-care. Use incentives and avoid procrastinating.
Exercise regularly, eat healthy food (with plenty of fruits, vegetables, and lean proteins), stay hydrated, and get enough sleep. These are important as they affect your physical health, mood, and overall well-being.
In addition, devote time to mindfulness exercises or meditation, practise your hobbies, and meet up with friends and loved ones. You will relax, recharge, and feel emotionally supported.
Self-reflection is also necessary to guide your self-care practices. So, reflect on your goals, life, and personal growth. Learn to say ‘No’ to tasks that overwhelm you and do not forget a digital detox is necessary for your well-being.
You can find more self-care practices that resonate with you. Yet, consistent practice is critical to improved well-being and academic success.
5. Lifelong learning
Learning is a lifelong journey. It does not stop with the classroom. If you want to be an effective student, embrace your education and work beyond the classroom.
What you learn today may not be sufficient for the challenges of tomorrow. So, keep on learning to deepen your understanding of subjects and hone the skills to tackle effectively the challenges of this rapidly changing world.
Continuous learning can also help you develop more resilience, and preserve and learn from mistakes.
So, identify your areas of interest, set clearly your learning goals and resources, and create your learning plan. Then, embark on this learning journey using online resources, libraries, and bookstores, networking with experts and learning communities, attending conferences, taking courses, etc.
Reflect on what you have learned and try to use it in practice.
Remember that this learning does not have to be structured and formal, but simple and an integral part of your daily life. So, enjoy every learning moment and celebrate your progress.
In conclusion, active interaction in learning, regular revision, ongoing reflection, self-care, and a commitment to lifelong learning are the 5 habits of highly effective students. By embracing these habits, you can navigate the educational journey with resilience, balance, and a thirst for knowledge that extends far beyond the classroom. So, you will not just excel in your studies but thrive in all aspects of your life. All the best!
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