4 Main Goals of Effective Teachers
Last Updated 05 May 2022/ By Zineb DJOUB
What goals do effective teachers set?
Effective teachers create learning opportunities for all students, motivate them, and push them forward to do better. For these teachers, students’ learning potential is the focus and their flexibility and reflection are the tools to enhance it more.
Yet, effective teachers’ impact goes beyond the classroom. They not only contribute to students’ learning but also inspire them to draw their own learning pathways.
We all want to be EFFECTIVE. Because it makes a great difference when we feel that we’re developing minds and we’re worth others’ attention and respect. It’s only then that teaching becomes rewarding!
But, how to develop this quality of ‘effectiveness’?
Before examining our practices, we have to start with our goals. Goals are what determine our decisions and attitudes as teachers.
For instance, if a teacher’s goal is to cater to students’ individual needs, he will plan for more personalized instructions, observe, and keep on reflecting on how his students are getting on with them.
So, our goals are the engines that drive our intentions and plans into actions. To this end, effective teachers have specific goals that make them sparkle and glow.
Here are 4 goals of effective teachers along with some tips to achieve them.
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1. Quality learning
One of the goals of effective teachers is quality learning. We’re indeed bound to teach the syllabus and we make exams to decide if students can advance to the next grade or not. Yet, this should not be our ultimate goal in teaching.
Effective teachers aim further than that. They have a long-term vision where quality learning is emphasized. That learning goes beyond the notion of passing to honing the necessary skills to thrive in today’s world.
Supporting students to think critically, solve problems, communicate, and create is what every teacher needs to aim at, no matter what content or learning outcomes he is expected to meet.
Besides, effective teachers perceive students as individuals who will contribute to the economic growth and social welfare of their nation.
So, their intent is also to develop those interpersonal skills which are much in demand in the world of work such as collaboration, positivity, self-confidence, work ethic, showing appreciation, etc.
You may think: “That’s easier said than done”! Even if you want to do that time remains an issue.
Let me tell you If you keep on thinking about teaching for exams, giving students EVERYTHING, and grading every single assignment you give, you’ll never devote a space for that kind of goal.
In such a case, quality learning would seem for you hard to integrate, or even unnecessary to attain.
But, when your goal is quality learning rather than getting an A you will think and find ways to make students learn what is more relevant to their own future needs.
Stay committed to your decisions, but stay flexible in your approach. Tony Robbins”
2. The whole community
The classroom remains the place where we spend most of the time with students. Yet, our students are not the only people to connect with.
Whatever context we’re concerned with school, college, institution, etc, our colleagues and the administration constitute a community. That community grows through empathy, communication, and collaboration.
Effective teachers are not alien to their schools. Rather, they feel a sense of belonging. They collaborate and work for the benefit of the whole community and aim always to bring positive change.
So, if we think that being active within this community would serve nothing and that our energy, knowledge and skills should be preserved for our students, we will not be EFFECTIVE.
The power of co-working is tremendous. When we collaborate with others, we share and learn from each other and come up with something more relevant.
It is our concern and commitment to benefit all those community members which make us more effective teachers.
So, ask yourself: How can you benefit your school? Think about real-life projects that would serve your school, new ideas, and tools that can improve communication with students and parents, enhance digital citizenship, etc.
Involve all students and encourage them to collaborate. Communicate regularly with your colleagues, share your ideas, listen, set goals, and plan for things together to make your school more SPECIAL.
3. Expertise
Developing expertise is another goal of effective teachers. In this concern, experience alone does not suffice but it’s learning through experience that does matter.
Such kind of learning is the outcome of the teacher’s innovation, ongoing reflection on and inactions, evaluation, and decisions to improve further.
So, if you want to be more effective as a teacher, intend to learn on the go.
Stop thinking that there is no use of learning. You’ve got your diploma or teaching certificate and you know how to do things in the classroom.
Learning is limitless and it has become more necessary in this increasingly changing world.
If you stick with a routine and deprive your mind of thinking and innovating, you’ll get overwhelmed and burn out.
So, grab a pen and paper and think about: 1) what do you need to learn to make your teaching more effective?, 2) how would that learning add to your teaching ?, and 4) How would your students benefit from it?
Read, connect to teachers, attend PD programmes, and update yourself with more relevant teaching ideas, resources and tools.
While engaging in such learning opportunities keep on thinking about your students, their needs, and interests. Also, think about yourself, the issues you’re facing, and how you can apply that learning to your context.
Never doubt your potential in putting into practice what you have learned. Your innovation can be invaluable. So, go for it, learn from others’ feedback, and reflect to streamline.
4. Well-being
Effective teachers aim to create the necessary work-life balance. Because they know that this contributes to their well-being, making them more energized and productive. So, they invest time in themselves and their family and don’t regret doing so.
For those teachers, time management is the core concern. They value planning for their actions, commit themselves to organization, and try to make their life simple and more meaningful.
So, if you want to thrive and not just survive in your profession, admire more your job, and enjoy the moments you spend with your students aim at your well-being.
Set a line between your professional and personal life and do not live one at the expense of the other. Do not let your professional life ruin your relationship with others and even your relationship with yourself.
Take time for yourself: Self-care! This has to be part of your plan because this is MORE IMPORTANT than your job. Learn about what makes your life happier and healthier. Here are some practical suggestions:
- Join The ULTRAMIND Process with Dr Mark Hyman, a six-week programme that will help you enrich your body and heal your mind.
- Overcome your stress, anxiety, and all issues that hinder your well-being through mindfulness meditation. Learn how to do it with Jon Kabat-Zinn and his mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR). Click here to get his series.
- Listen to Marianne Williamson’s books, you will never regret doing it. They will boost your energy and motivation to make your life better. For more information visit The Marianne Williamson Collection on BetterListen!
Besides self-care, care about your family, and give them the necessary love and concern they need. Spend time with them, devoid of any professional thoughts or concerns. Because these are the people who make you happy.
Since organization does matter to your well-being, use a planner to keep track of important dates, deadlines, planning, and other tasks. It will save you a lot of time and energy.
Enhancing quality learning, working for the benefit of the whole community, learning on the go, and improving and maintaining their well-being, are the main 4 goals of effective teachers. Target them you will leave an indelible mark on your career. YOU are awesome.
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