The 3 Essential Elements of an Effective Self-Care Routine Part 2
28 July 2019/ By Zineb DJOUB
This blog series focus on your well-being, how you need to take care of your body and mind during this summer to recharge and get back to work super energized. Because your health does matter, I’ll help you get the tips and products to optimize every area of it to feel good, happy, and vital, and perform at your best each day by explaining what an effective self-care routine involves.
For an effective self-care routine, it’s important to know what we need to care about and how to stay healthy and live well. In my previous post, I focused on our body, and its needs and I suggested some self-care practices.
But, our mind and soul should also be considered in any self-care routine. So, what are their needs and how should we take care of them?
Our mind or the thinking agent is responsible for multiple functions. It enables us to control things, develop habits, make decisions, react, remember, learn, and live a normal life.
So, our mental health is invaluable. We MUST take care of it. To do so, we need to know our mind’s needs.
1. Learning
Learning is a basic need for our mind as much as food is necessary for our body. Learning makes our minds nourish and grow. It stimulates our thinking, helping us make proper decisions and head in the right direction.
According to Dr Rick Hanson, any lasting change of mood, outlook, or behaviour requires learning. Learning can shape our personalities since about a third of our attributes are innate in our DNA, while the other two-thirds are acquired through learning.
Therefore, ongoing learning is required for our minds to stay healthy and grow. That kind of learning is not necessarily related to our job. We can learn about health, parenting, cooking, and all those everyday issues that concern us.
The more we immerse ourselves in such a process, the more we spark our curiosity and desire to learn more and cultivate our minds.
As a result, we’re likely to feel much more interested in this life and overcome the nightmare of boredom that threatens our mental health. We’ll also feel the joy of self-fulfilment, gain much more confidence in ourselves and beat that defeating feeling of self-doubt which can wear out our mental effort.
So, for your mental health and well-being, make learning part of your self-care routine. No matter what practices you prefer and opt for (reading books, watching videos, taking PD courses, etc.), make learning new things your ultimate goal. Decide ahead what you need to learn to improve your life then set your plan and determine the necessary tools to make it happen.
Remember always never let a day pass without feeding your mind. It pays off.
2. Positive thinking
Because our thoughts dictate our feelings and emotions, they can define our health and well-being. We may not realize that, but most of our decisions are directed by our thoughts.
If you just ponder on what makes you shrink away from that new experience, feel upset, and self-doubt…you’ll find out that your negative thinking patterns are steering you back to what is familiar and therefore ‘safe’.
These are not only depleting you, narrowing your vision, and driving you away from achieving your dreams, but they are also paralyzing your productive thinking. Because they deprive you of experiencing ‘the new’, living the challenge, and exploring the creative genius inside you.
So, positive thinking is not a choice to thrive in life, but a necessary supply for our mind to stay healthy and grow regardless of the various bumps facing us.
When we eliminate those negative affirmations we free up our minds of all sorts of anxiety, doubt, and obsessions regarding what the next day will bring for us. We live the moment, hope for the better, and work hard to make that happen.
We’re responsible for our mental health. So, we must take care of our minds. This is possible because we can control our thoughts and direct our actions to achieve our goals.
Each one of us knows well what to avoid and do to ignite our minds with positive thoughts. No matter what you would do to lift your spirit (using positive affirmations, listing what you’re grateful for, etc.), make it part of your self-care routine, and never forget that your mental health is the key to your happiness and success.
3. Decompressing
An effective self-care routine needs to include decompressing. We live in a stressful world. We want to get all things done but we can’t slow down time or change how faster things are to be done. At work, we struggle with the people surrounding us. We want to make our voices heard in the crowd because we believe they really matter to all of us.
During the summer, some of us rush up to relax and spend maximum time with family and friends while others still work to earn some extra money. I can’t forget also those who struggle to finish off their PhD thesis to whom I say GOOD LUCK.
So, we’re THINKING all the time during work and rest. If you feel stressed out even during this summer break, ask yourself: When am I going to destress then?
Your mind indeed needs to decompress all over the year, but summer can be a great opportunity for that. Even if you’re busy and saddled with too much work, decompress because this is how you need to take care of your mind.
Make some time for yourself where not only your body relaxes but also your mind: practice yoga, go out with friends, cook a healthy meal, go on a picnic, etc. This is going to help you recharge and go back to your responsibilities fully energized.
Our soul is the actual self which includes our character, abilities, perceptions, feelings, etc. We need to take care of it. Here is what our soul needs.
1. Faith in God
Faith, the belief in the power of God, is what brings peace and security to our hearts and minds. When we put our faith in God we believe in all his words in the Holy book. We accept that God’s way is far better than our own because he knows things better than us.
No matter how bad things look, we believe that he will work them for good because he’s always with us, supporting us. So, whenever we need God we have to call him.
Faith comes from the love of God. God deserves our love because he’s the creator who loves us and forgives our sins.
Having faith in God is also being thankful in all circumstances, praying, and doing all what God wants us to do.
So, faith in God enlightens our life and makes it more meaningful. It opens our eyes to the right pathway, making us more disciplined. It also brings us serenity, happiness, and hope for a better future. Because God is always with us, so no need to feel depressed or lose hope.
In whatever circumstances, stay always closer to God; pray, help others, and do all the right things. Make these part of your self-care routine you’ll have a healthy, pure soul and so live in spiritual wealth.
2. Love
When we fill our hearts with love, taking off all those negative feelings such as hatred, envy, jealousy, and egoism, we’re contributing to our health and well-being. Love makes us tolerant, feel happy for others’ success, and wish all the best to everyone.
Getting overwhelmed by such a wonderful feeling, our actions and attitudes are likely to change. We get more disciplined and contribute to the social welfare of our community. So we gain the love and respect of those around us and feel more valuable and happy.
Love empowers us to pursue our dreams and focus on the self to streamline.
But, when we hate others for one reason or another we forget ourselves and focus on what they are doing. We keep on watching their stories and talking about them. We envy their success and feel hurt and sad when things are going well with them. So, our lives become meaningless.
So, take care of your soul, and remove all those impurities that can ruin your health and well-being. Make love of all people your personality trait, avoid all what can weaken it (including people), and show it in practice: listen to, help others, or even smile at their faces. This is a great source of happiness that can’t be measured.
These were the 3 Essential Elements of an Effective Self-Care Routine: Body, Mind, and Soul. Knowing these, you can decide what kind of self-care habits you need to develop and stick with. Remember always that you’re the master of your health, happiness, and success in this life. So, take care of yourself.
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